With CommuniCub, daycares have a platform to help build trust with their customers. Save time and ensure accuracy by electronically logging events to effectivly communicate with parents using mobile technologies they appreciate. Providing piece of mind is a primary interest to all parents.
Managing a day care could not be easier with CommuniCub. Start saving time and simply management with CommuniCub's automatic notifications and activity logging. Stop wasting time calling parents, instead use CommuniCub to send automatic notifications to remind parents of supply levels or planned activities.
Only CommuniCub gives you the tools you need to capture everything in a child's day. Everything from check-in to check-out, CommuniCub allows you to quickly log activities such as diaper changes, supply levels, mood and more. CommuniCub allows you to decide what gets logged and will quickly print a daily log at check-out.
Use a computer or a tablet and access all of CommuniCub's features. Create trust with your customers and allow parents access to thier child's timeline from a mobile device.
In this digital age, new parents are now expecting technology in their child's day. Stand out from your competition and give your customer what they expect! Guardians are able to log into a secure parent's portal and get the information they need.